Clenesafe A

Clenesafe A

Clenesafe A

Clenesafe A Alkaline Instrument Cleaning Solution for Washing Machines

Application Area and Purpose

CLENESAFE® A is a main washing solution that is used for the purpose of cleaning and disinfecting of the equipments and laboratory glass material in the washing machines. While provides cleaning and disinfection of heat resistant equipments at high temperature (93°C), it provides the cleaning of non-heat resistant equipments that made from elastomer, rubber, plastic, at low temperature (50°C-60°C). It is effective in different water hardness. It is compatible with glass, ceramic, plastic, elastomer, rubber, aluminium and stainless steel materials.

Application Procedure

It is compatible with all washing machines. It is advised that dosing should be depending on the level of dirtiness and quality of water as 2-7 ml/L.


Sodyum Hidroksit, Kompleks Yapıcılar, Silikatlar, Koruyucular ve Deiyonize Su.