Clenesafe PRO-ENZYM Pre-Cleaning Enzymatic Solution
Application Area and Purpose
CLENESAFE® PRO-ENZYM provides pre-cleaning of all of the surgical devices, medical devices and endoscopes. Dissolves organic residues like blood, fat, protein, starch.
Application Procedure
CLENESAFE® PRO-ENZYM is filled in a clean container by diluting appropriate ratio. Warm water maximizes cleansing effect. Devices are immersed into the container so as to contact all of the surfaces and holes with solution. After effect time is completed, devices are rinsed. This solution can be used maximum 24 hours. It is suitable for ultrasonic washing devices.
≤%5 Enzimler (Amilaz, Proteaz, Lipaz), ≤%30 Glikol, ≤%8 Noniyonik Surfaktanlar, Antikorozif Maddeler ve Deiyonize su.