Clenesafe SURFLOOR

Clenesafe SURFLOOR

Clenesafe SURFLOOR

Clenesafe SURFLOOR Floor and Surface Disinfectant

Application Area and Purpose

Due to quaternary ammonium components in its formulation, it has a broad antimicrobial spectrum. It is used for cleaning and disinfection of all vertical and horizontal surfaces; especially PVC and epoxy area, floors, walls, operating rooms, intensive care rooms and other areas in hospitals. CLENESAFE® SURFLOOR is compatible with surfaces of glass, ceramic, silicon, plastic and stainless steel material.

Application Procedure

CLENESAFE® SURFLOOR is diluted 1/400 (0.25%) concentration with water. Diluted solution is applied to the area where disinfection and cleaning nedded by rubbing the material.


Didesil Dimetil Amonyum Klorür, Dimetil Benzil Amonyum Klorür, Bis (3-aminopropil) dodesilamin, noniyonik maddeler, antikorozif maddeler ve deiyonize su. Aldehit ve Fenol içermez.

Bakterisidal, Virüsidal, Fungusidal Tüberkülosidal ve Mikobakterisidal etkilidir.